Silvana Cappuccio


Silvana Cappuccio

European and International Policies, Italian General Confederation of Labour

Silvana Cappuccio lived in Messina, Sicily, until the completion of her Master's Degree in Law, then moved to Milan to work as a legal officer of a company, then moved to Rome as a researcher on socio-juridical and labour issues. She then joined as a full-time officer of the trade union movement at CGIL, working for many years at the International Textile Garment Leather Federation in Brussels, where she was much engaged in the field of child labour, occupational health and safety, collective bargaining and women’s rights. 

She is now working in the CGIL Global Policy Department, is a titular member of the EU OSHA in Bilbao and has represented the three Italian trade unions CGIL CISL UIL in the workers' group of the ILO for seven years, until June 2021. 

Sessions by Silvana Cappuccio
Group Meeting Plenary Session Side Events Thematic Panel