Événement parallèle 17 - Quels facteurs sont nécessaires pour accélérer les progrès vers la cible 8.7 des ODD?

Événement parallèle 17 - Quels facteurs sont nécessaires pour accélérer les progrès vers la cible 8.7 des ODD?

Événement parallèle
19 mai
Meeting room 11

Target 8.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) holds ambitious time-bound aims for the eradication of forced labour by 2030 and the elimination of child labour by 2025. Both ambitions demand rapid and sustained progress.

Circumstances, however, require significant action if this target is to be realized. This is evidenced by the International Labour Organization’s latest estimates for forced labour and child labour, the detrimental impact of COVID-19 and an uneven recovery from the pandemic, along with other SDG priorities, including the need to combat climate change and mitigate its impacts.

The objective of this side event is to discuss what has worked and what are the promising practices to pick up the pace towards achieving SDG Target 8.7. The event will unpack six “acceleration factors” that the 8.7 Accelerator Lab programme has identified, namely (1) fostering and developing political commitment, (2) addressing root causes, (3) focusing on vulnerable populations, (4) creating and sharing knowledge, (5) ensuring sustainable financing and (6) driving innovation.

It will look at the lessons learned from governments, workers’ and employers’ organisations in their fight against child labour and forced labour and highlight opportunities to replicate successful interventions at scale.

The objective of this side event is to discuss what has worked and what are the promising practices to pick up the pace towards achieving SDG Target 8.7. The event will unpack six “acceleration factors” that the 8.7 Accelerator Lab programme has identified.