Eventos paralelos 18 - Estrategias para hacer frente al trabajo infantil en la pesca artesanal y la acuicultura

Eventos paralelos 18 - Estrategias para hacer frente al trabajo infantil en la pesca artesanal y la acuicultura

Eventos paralelos
19 Mayo
Meeting room 12

The purpose of the side event is to shine a spotlight on child labour in artisanal fisheries and aquaculture, allowing participants to better understand what child labour in artisanal fisheries and aquaculture looks like, the underlying drivers that fuel it and the integrated, cross-sector action strategies that can be implemented to address it.

Within the context of the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA), this side event will explore the intersections between fisheries management, environmental stewardship, and livelihoods in fishing communities and the impact on child labor in artisanal fisheries and aquaculture). The event will also explore strategies to prevent and eliminate child labor in artisanal fisheries and strategies to protect young workers in the sector.

The International Year for Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA) provides a unique opportunity for governements, fisheries, and fish-workers to revew commitment and join forces to address and prevent child labour in fisheries and aquaculture. 

This session was organized with the support of