Michaëlle De Cock


Michaëlle De Cock

Head of Research and Evaluation Unit, Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work Branch, ILO

Michaëlle De Cock (PhD, University of Paris VI) has been a leading researcher for the ILO on methodologies to survey and estimate forced labour and trafficking of adults and children for the last 15 years and is currently Head of the Research of Evaluation Unit in ILO-Fundamental Principles and Rights at work Branch. 

She has been actively involved in key global estimates published by the ILO: the first estimate of the worst forms of child labour in 2002 (which included trafficking and forced labour) and the two global estimates of forced labour in 2005 and 2012, resulting from a capture-recapture of reported cases of forced labour. In 2017 and 2021, she has co-led the production of the global estimates of child labour and modern slavery, including the forced labour component.